Over the next few days, on the occasions of World Forestry Day (March 21st) and World Water Day (March 22nd) WEDO will be recognizing women’s rights in the access to and control over water resources and forest preservation. Show your support and help us raise awareness!

When our colleague Andrea visited Uganda and Cameroon for WEDO’s work on forestry issues, she captured some wonderful images of the people she worked with there. Alongside other photos from her work, WEDO has put together some cover photos for your Facebook Timeline so you can show your support of women’s rights and environmental sustainability. Let us know if you use them, and we will highlight you on our wall!


Click on the image to view then right click to “Save Image As”.

March 21st- World Forestry Day

March 22nd- World Water Day

Donate your tweets on March 21st and 22nd to raising awareness about women’s rights, forest degradation and preservation, and the right to clean, safe water for all. Share some of the resources above and follow the worldwide conversation using #ForestDay #WorldWaterDay or #WWD. Let us know what you’re up to @WEDO_Worldwide.


New to Pinterest? So are we! We thought these two days were a wonderful way to get acquainted with the newest visual social media tool. We will be ‘pinning’ photos and resources on women, water & forestry and highlighting out favorite organizations. Follow: http://pinterest.com/wedoworldwide/

join the movement

Women and girls around the world are demanding and creating systemic change and a sustainable future for all. We need collective power to attain a just future – we need you.