Wednesday, November 30th
On Wednesday, CARE International and the Women’s Environment and Development Organization (WEDO) teamed up to host an interactive discussion to explore the complexities of vulnerability from a gender perspective. At the event, a lively group of participants broke into four working groups to discuss climate change adaptation and vulnerability within the scope of a) International policy b) National policy c) Practitioners d) Thematic areas including health, energy and technology. Each group then reported back on key recommendations for developing an adaptation framework which works for all. Some key recommendations included- increased capacity and awareness raising for government officials; gender budgeting at the national level; and systems and methods to house knowledge on adaptation which can be accessed by people at the local level and which works to translate solutions to the national and global policy levels.
Thursday, December 1st
The conversation from the adaptation side event was so rich that WEDO and CARE along with GGCA decided to continue the dialogue the following day with a “Lunchtime Q&A” as part of its activities with the Adaptation Hub. The talk was very well attended and the focus was on connecting research to research needs on the ground and understanding what types of tools and models are best practice for translating knowledge on adaptation to all levels, particularly to the local and grassroots level.