by WEDO Advocacy Coordinator Rachel Harris

CARE International and the Women’s Environment and Development Organization (WEDO) are partnering on a side event at UNFCCC COP-17 on November 30, 2011 from 6:30-8pm in the Hex River Room. This event will use an interactive discussion format to explore the complexities of vulnerability from a gender perspective and make recommendations to input into an adaptation framework that works for everyone.

The side event seeks to challenge participants to think creatively about how the gender dimension of vulnerability can improve policy and actions on adaptation to climate change.  Participants will have an overview of the gender dimension of vulnerability from Lorena Aguilar, IUCN’s Senior Gender Advisor and then breakout into four groups to discuss the issue as it pertains to:

1. International policy on adaptation
2.  National policy on adaptation
3.  Practitioner action on adaptation
4.  The complexities of the gender dimension of vulnerability (in thematic areas including health, agriculture, energy, technology etc).

The event will conclude with reports of recommendations from each group, a larger group discussion and question and answer period.  CARE and WEDO look forward to facilitating this event and coming out with concrete recommendations on addressing the gender dimension of vulnerability and increasing effective adaptation to climate change.  We invite you to join us for what we anticipate will be a lively discussion!

For more information please contact

Read about this event here, on the Center for Public Health and Climate Change website.

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