Read the Global Gender and Climate Alliance (GGCA) Position Paper from the Bonn UNFCCC Intersessional, 29 March – 8 April here.

“Parties are quickly approaching the first drafting of negotiation text in preparation for the next UNFCCC session in June. Many have expressed that decisive action is needed in the areas identified in the Bali Action Plan (BAP, Decision 1/CP.13) ina balanced manner: a shared vision for long-term cooperative action, adaptation, mitigation, financing and technology. In each of these pillars, special attention is required on the associated social aspects, including those related to gender equality.

While recognizing the need to focus the work of the AWG-LCA5, there are important areas of the Bali Action Plan, supported by Submissions in the Assembly Document 2 and in subsequent Submissions from Parties, IGOs and NGOs, which reflect critical aspects related to social and economic conditions, including gender. These aspects need to be strengthened and incorporated into the negotiating text.”

GGCA Position Paper April 2009

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