On Thursday, November 8th, WEDO and other gender and climate experts from UNFCCC, UNDP, Heinrich Böll Foundation and the NDC Partnership participated in the event “Implementing Equality: Delivering Gender Equitable Climate Commitments,” hosted by the World Resources Institute. During the event, experts discussed the gender commitments under the Paris Agreements, actions taken to achieve them, and challenges to be addressed.

In her intervention, WEDO’s Bridget Burns spoke to the organizations goal of ensuring sustainable development policies, plans, and practices are gender-responsive, environmentally and socially-just, and effectively implemented. This goal, she said, is only achievable if women are empowered to claim their rights as decision-makers, advocates and leaders. Bridget further explained how WEDO work’s to achieve these goals via several strategies: 1) creating and generating intersectional knowledge, collecting data and making it available to grassroots organizations and policy-makers; 2) advocacy and participation of women and women’s rights organizations in policy processes, in which women are not only able to understand policy spaces and speak their language but negotiate and transform them effectively. 

Watch the full event below:

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