NEW YORK (January 30, 2013)—Registration is still open for a new on-line UNITAR course on Climate Change Diplomacy – “Negotiating Effectively Under the UNFCCC” from 25 February-21 April, 2013. Registration is possible via:
See below message from WEDO’s colleagues at UNITAR:
“Climate change negotiators from the poorest and most climate vulnerable countries are eligible to apply for a fee-waiver, with thanks to the CDKN Advocacy Fund. Nationals from LDCs/SIDS are eligible who are involved in the climate change negotiation process either as a negotiator or providing assistance to the negotiating team/government in that respect. Those interested should send their CV, a motivation letter and a copy of their passport to
Please note that fellowship (fee-waiver) applicants will need to provide us in addition with an application form dully filled which is to be obtained via mailing”