BANGKOK, THAILAND (August 30 2012)- The second session of the 2012 UN climate negotiations commenced today in Bangkok, Thailand, following on from May’s meeting in Bonn, Germany— a meeting which consisted of stalled negotiations and increased tension over the important issues of equity, emissions reductions and commitments. Here, RTCC provides a good overview of some of the main issues still on the table as we head into Bangkok, quite similar to what we faced at the start of 2012. The session will run from Thursday, 30 August to Wednesday, 5 September.

WEDO’s Rachel Harris is on site in Bangkok, following the negotiations closely as progress in these meetings should map a blueprint for work at COP18 in November, this year held in Doha, Qatar. For more information and updates from the negotiations, follow @WEDO_Worldwide and our friends @RTCCnewswire and @adoptnegotiator

Key Documents

Notification to Parties and observer States

Overview schedule

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