An e-discussion on Climate and Environmental Justice was hosted by WEDO, AWID, and IDS from April 5th to 7th 2016, in preparation for the 13th AWID International Forum.

The aim of this e-discussion was to contribute to increased awareness and exchange on relevant issues and strategies, and eventually a stronger engagement between feminists and women’s human rights activists and climate justice activists – small-scale farmers, grassroots, Indigenous, Black and islander’s communities, among others. Participant reflections on current climate and environmental realities pointed to the deep connections between climate chaos, environmental degradation, gender inequality and patriarchy, stemming from a broader political and economic systemic crisis.

“Feminist critics have drawn connections between the ongoing exploitation of natural resources in the capitalist system and the ongoing exploitation of unpaid or poorly paid care work carried out by women, which is largely unrecognised as economic activity in mainstream economic calculations and theories.”

– Kate Cahoon, Gender CC

Download the summary or find it here.

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