Rosalee coatlicue gonzalez
Continental network of indigenous women
Rosalee Gonzalez resides in California and is the elected co-coordinator for the North Region of the Continental Network of Indigenous Women of the Americas, an organization that works, among many things, to ensure the representation and inclusion of indigenous women and girls’ concerns in all international forums including the negotiations and meetings on climate change. She is delegated to represent their member organizations in international forums on issues affecting indigenous women and peoples, including climate justice. She has recently worked as an “on-site” consultant to the UN Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and in the past, Rosalee has assisted with the coordination of the UN World Conference on Indigenous Peoples, the negotiations of the Outcome Document of the WCIP and follow up to the Outcome Document. She has experience at the policy and advocacy level and is familiar with UNFCCC processes. Rosalee is also the co-founder for a national indigenous women’s organization in the United States called La Red Xicana Indigena and they are a founding member of the Continental Network of Indigenous Women of the Americas (ECMIA).