This September, during the Global Week of Action to End Fossil Fuels and Pay Up Climate Finance, WEDO is proud to join allied organizations in endorsing the “U.S. Fair Shares Nationally Determined Contribution” (“Fair Shares NDC”) laying out the updated measures the United States must commit to enacting to do its “fair share” of the global effort to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C, based on its role and responsibility as the world’s wealthiest country and largest historical carbon polluter. 

This civil society-led model document comes in advance of the anticipated release of the next round of updated NDCs before February 2025. The work emerges from a collaborative effort of allied organizations pushing for global justice in U.S. climate action, following up on the 2021 release of the first U.S. civil society led Fair Shares NDC (watch the informational video released shortly after here).

See press coverage of the 2021 Fair Shares NDC release in Vox article, “What a fair climate target looks like for the US, the largest historical carbon emitter,” the Gizmodo piece, “Biden Pledges to Cut U.S. Carbon Emissions 50% by 2030,” and New York Times op-ed, “The U.S. Has a New Climate Goal. How Does It Stack Up Globally?.”

“The Fair Shares NDC is a civil-society led effort to chart a path forward for aligning U.S. climate action to science and justice, and ensuring the next NDC release meets the goals of the Paris Agreement. As the biggest producer of oil and gas today, the world’s largest historical emitter, and the major blockade to significant climate finance provision and ambitious action, the urgency of the U.S. transitioning away from fossil fuels cannot be understated – and towards a reparative, care-centered, regenerative economy that confronts extraction and exploitation.” – Mara Dolan, Program Coordinator at WEDO 

Read the Fair Share NDC here!

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