Search Results for: webinar(Page 5 of 5)

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COP23: Highlights and Reflections

From 6-18 November, the WEDO team was in Bonn, Germany for the global negotiations on climate change, here are some key highlights and reflections:

COP23 outcomes build foundation for rights-based climate action

Decisions coming out of COP23 included two key outcomes related to human rights; 1) The adoption of a two-year ‘gender action plan‘ and 2) The establishment of a Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform.…

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We Are More Determined Than Ever

Dear Friends,

Many of us are still reeling from the US election results. There is a lot of uncertainty and fear around the future US President and his administration, but for us, the path is clear – we must mobilize for human rights, gender equality and our planet – and we need your help.…

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Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day!

5 key ways to celebrate Earth Day as women’s rights, feminist and environmental activists:

Rally: TODAY in 12pm at UN/ NYC for People & the Planet

As leaders gather at the UN to sign the Paris Climate Agreement, join the Women’s Global Call for Climate Justice alongside women and girls from around the world- frontline communities, indigenous peoples, environmental defenders and human rights activists- to demand climate justice!…

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Women’s Leadership: The Women Delegates Fund


Women’s equal participation in climate change decision-making is fundamental to just policies that reflect and respond to the needs of the global community.

Recognizing a need to support the participation and leadership of women in the UN climate negotiations, the Women Delegates Program (WDF) aims to sponsor Party delegates, particularly from Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS), to participate in UNFCCC convened meetings and negotiations.

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Young Feminists at CSW57

NEW YORK (March 7, 2013)– Last night, during CSW57, WEDO was excited to host a Young Feminist Meetup. With lots of engaging conversations and perspectives, as well as energy to find more formal channels for young feminists to organize and engage around CSW in the future, WEDO is planning to work with partners to hold a series of webinars around SDGs, Post-2015, etc.…

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join the movement

Women and girls around the world are demanding and creating systemic change and a sustainable future for all. We need collective power to attain a just future – we need you.